Title: Network Cork - Overview
Speaker: Gillian Hennessy
Friday February 8, 2019 13:50-14:00, Laboratory
About the speaker
Gillian Hennessy is PR & Marketing Manager and Wedding Coordinator with Triskel Arts Centre, a multi-disciplinary cultural hub in the heart of Cork city that programmes classical, jazz and folk music concerts, arthouse cinema, visual arts exhibitions, literary events. They also collaborate with festivals such as Cork Midsummer Festival, Cork World Book Fest, Cork Film Festival, Cork Jazz Festival and more. She has served on the Network Ireland Cork Branch committee for over five years, as Newsletter Officer, Secretary, Vice-President and now President. For many years, she indulged her love of reading by working with book publishers Summersdale in the UK and The Collins Press in Cork. Yoga and a mild Netflix addiction help her balance her priorities.