Oonagh O'Brien is a Lecturer in the Computer Science Department in CIT. She previously worked in Research and Development as an Engineer and Project Manager with telecommunications companies Alcatel, Motorola and Lucent. She is a CIT Computer Science graduate and has a Masters from UCC, she is currently studying for a doctorate in Nottingham Trent University; her research interest is in Cyberpsychology, particularly the use of the internet and its effects on student well-being and academic performance.
Catherine Murphy is a BIS Programme Work Placement Manager and Lecturer in CIT. She previously worked as a Senior Business Analyst and IT Project Manager with AIB. She has extensive lecturing experience with CIT, UCC, Griffith college and CIMA as well as a range European guest lecturing. She was Head of Department for Accounting and Information Systems for 3 years. She has lead out TEDxCIT, CIT's APPrentice project as well as European funded projects CoderDojo Erasmus plus and Smart Rural. She loves a new challenge and has recently commenced a Masters in Teaching and Learning.
Ramona Marfievici is a Senior Researcher at the Nimbus Research Centre in CIT. Her research interests are in the area of wireless sensor networks and cyber-physical systems.
Ramona is part of the Athena Swan team in CIT promoting gender equality and inclusion. She enjoys ice/inline skating and hiking, listens to rock music and she's a non-professional chocolate taster.
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