Title: Interviewing - Preparations and Techniques

Speaker: Cynthia O'Keeffe, VMWare

Friday February 1, 2019 14:30-15:00, Seminar Room


This session will focus on the process of job interviews. Practical tips and examples will be given.

About the speaker

Cynthia O'Keeffe is Senior Manager, HR Services EMEA at VMware and previously managed a large global team in the Talent Acquisition organisation. She has been in the Tech industry for 9 years, an industry which empowers females to grow and excel in their chosen career. She spearheaded the Coder Dojo initiative at VMware and is a passionate advocate of introducing young women to STEM and striving to push themselves beyond expectations and limitations. She is the ideal speaker to equip attendees with the best knowledge on how to excel in interviews.

Tech is ever changing, "you" are the change to advance the industry.


  • 05.02.2019: Deirdre Clune MEP will attend CITAdvance this Friday!
  • 01.02.2019: Michael McGrath TD attended our event!
  • 28.01.19: The official press release is online!
  • 25.01.19: We have some fantastic speakers lined up!
  • 11.01.19: Checkout the program overview.
  • 08.01.19: The invitation is here.
  • 12.12.18: The website is up.