Title: Preparing Your C.V.

Speaker: Gillian McGrath, Change Grow Succeed

Friday February 1, 2019 13:45-14:30, Seminar Room


This session will focus on how to prepare your C.V.

About the speaker

With over 18 years experience in training, coaching and people development across the public and private sectors and with qualifications in psychology, training and development, coaching and psychometric assessment, Gillian founded Change Grow Succeed in 2015. Passionate about supporting her clients in effecting positive change, Gillian offers a strengths based approach - an experience that leaves clients feeling empowered, energised and looking forward. Her facilitation & coaching style is personable, authentic & hugely impactful. She also delivers bespoke high impact programmes such as "Women in Leadership", "Leading Strategy Into Action" and "Influence without Authority" to teams & exec leadership and is skilled at creating environments which enable people to learn.


  • 05.02.2019: Deirdre Clune MEP will attend CITAdvance this Friday!
  • 01.02.2019: Michael McGrath TD attended our event!
  • 28.01.19: The official press release is online!
  • 25.01.19: We have some fantastic speakers lined up!
  • 11.01.19: Checkout the program overview.
  • 08.01.19: The invitation is here.
  • 12.12.18: The website is up.