Title: Stories from Female Tech Graduates

Speakers from Dell EMC, IBM, McKesson, Nimbus, Poppulo

Friday February 1, 2019 12:10-13:00, Seminar Room


This session will give all participants the opportunity to hear from successful female tech graduates about their experiences and lessons learned.

About the speakers

Greta Jocyte is a Software Development Manager at IBM who specialises in Information Security. Greta has had a fast-paced career where she moved from Graduate Software Engineer to Development Manager in the space of three years. When she is not keeping up to date with the latest technologies or encouraging women into the technology industry at events, she is enthusiastic about fitness and sharing her insights on self-development and career growth via her blog.

Susan O'Riordan is a product owner at McKesson where she drives the vision of work and represents the customer to the development team. She believes that clear communication and building solid relationships is essential to successful product delivery. She is a certified product owner and has a degree in Computer Science from UCC. Susan spends her time out of the office reading or enjoying a good Netflix binge but can also be found attempting to teach her cat new tricks.

Dr Susan Rea is group lead and research fellow at the Nimbus Centre in CIT, where she leads research programs in the area of networks and distributed systems for smart cities applications with more than 12 years of research management experience. She has been actively involved in several EU-funded & national projects in these areas (FP7 SCUBA, FP7 GENiC, H2020 TOPAs, H2020 INSPEX and SEAI RD&D 2017 SmartBlocks). Susan is currently serving as principal investigator on DigiBlocks (SEAI RD&D 2018), a nationally funded project investigating district scale blockchain based energy management frameworks for smart cities. Susan is part of the Athena Swan team in CIT promoting gender equality and inclusion.

Laura Robson graduated from Business Information Systems, CIT in 2017. She joined DellEMC in July 2017 as part of a 2 year graduate program. She originally assisted with organizing training and travel, putting together business continuity plans and managing the budget for those activities. Then moved on project managing small projects such as updating hardware in an executive meeting room and supply the latest dell laptops to the sales leadership team. She is now managing a global project where they are consolidating the Skype environment within Dell.

Stepanie Sheehan is Vp of Operations at Poppulo. Stephanie is a key member of the management team that has grown Poppulo from being a small ambitious Irish start-up to becoming the global leader in its sector: employee communications. Stephanie began her career as a software developer after graduating from CIT with a degree in computer science. After 10 years of developing software, she moved into management heading up the engineering department at Poppulo and more recently running operations at Poppulo, spanning multiple disciplines from product development to professional services, customer success, internal IT and compliance.


  • 05.02.2019: Deirdre Clune MEP will attend CITAdvance this Friday!
  • 01.02.2019: Michael McGrath TD attended our event!
  • 28.01.19: The official press release is online!
  • 25.01.19: We have some fantastic speakers lined up!
  • 11.01.19: Checkout the program overview.
  • 08.01.19: The invitation is here.
  • 12.12.18: The website is up.