Speaker: Dr Breda Kenny, Head of School of Business, Cork Institute of Technology
Friday February 1, 2019 16:20-16:30, Seminar Room
About the speaker
Dr. Breda Kenny is head of CIT's School of Business. She is responsible for the effective general management of the School and its constituent departments. She was the former Head of the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and has over 20 years lecturing, and research experience in entrepreneurship, international business and management. Breda has experience managing national and EU projects and research supervision to PhD level. She has been published widely in international peer reviewed journals such as R & D Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Industry & Higher Education, The Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development and Small Enterprise Research. Breda obtained her PhD from the University of Limerick. The area of her doctoral work focused on networking capability and the international performance of High Tech SMEs. At a European level, Breda is an elected member of the board of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB). In Ireland, Breda is a Chair of the Campus Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Network (CEEN) Initiative. Breda has extensive industry experience and is also co-founder and director of Surecom NS Ltd, and director of the Rubicon Innovation Centre.